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NAMUR: NA 188 PCT Construction Management has been released

NAMUR has published the new NA 188 “PCT Construction Management”. The recommendation is only available in English and Chinese and may now be obtained from the NAMUR Office. NA 188 PCT Construction Management NA 188 worksheet is to complement NA 35 “Engineering and execution of PCT projects in process industry” for phase 5 – Construction, […]

von | 05.06.23

NA 188 worksheet is to complement NA 35 “Engineering and execution of PCT projects in process industry” for phase 5 – Construction.
Quelle: weerapong -
NAMUR-Empfehlung 168 erschienen

NAMUR has published the new NA 188 “PCT Construction Management”. The recommendation is only available in English and Chinese and may now be obtained from the NAMUR Office.

NA 188 PCT Construction Management

NA 188 worksheet is to complement NA 35 “Engineering and execution of PCT projects in process industry” for phase 5 – Construction, which is based on the experience of European company investing projects in China, gives more detail introduction of activities below during construction phase for project executed as “Owner’s Engineering with EPCm contractor” module. And this NA is mainly applicable in China.

  • MEI contractor selection (PCT Part)
  • Open Packing Inspection (OPI)
  • Individual instrument test before installation
  • SAT and SIT
  • Installation Quality Inspection
  • Material Management
  • Change Management
  • Loop Check
  • SIS Functional safety verification and validation
  • Specifical construction management

PCT engineer focus on installation quality assurance and PCT cost control at the meaning time under project budget and schedule, corporate with Construction Manger closely.

For further Information:

NAMUR – Interessengemeinschaft
Automatisierungstechnik der Prozessindustrie e.V.
NAMUR Office
c/o Bayer AG
Building K 9
D-51368 Leverkusen
Telefon: +49 – 214 – 30 – 71034

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