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APL Market Survey Update: Download the results free of charge

Ethernet-APL is a game changing technology for the digitalization of the process industries. One of the keys for industrial acceptance and rollout is the availability of field devices and components. This article summarizes the results of an updated device availability survey, which was conducted in collaboration with NAMUR and ZVEI.

von | 24.09.24

In the past, there has been a lack of transparency about vendors Ethernet-APL roadmaps.

Ethernet-APL is a game changing technology for the digitalization of the process industries. One of the keys for industrial acceptance and rollout is the availability of field devices and components. This article summarizes the results of an updated device availability survey, which was conducted in collaboration with NAMUR and ZVEI. The results of the APL Market Survey update were first published in atp magazin 5/2024 and now can be downloaded for free.

Ethernet-APL: Game changer for the process industry

Ethernet-APL is considered a game changer and major next step in digitalization of the field level in process industries. While at the technical level, a set of technologies is working hand inhand to make this vision a reality (see Section 2) and have been successfully tested on laboratory scale, the availability of field devices and components on the market is a prerequisite for industrial roll-out and therefore acceptance.

To support this roll-out, NAMUR (User Association of Automation Technology in Process Industries) established an APL Task Force at the end of 2022. The task force synchronizes APL-related activities within NAMUR and coordinates non-technical issues for practical implementation in industry. It consists of representatives from BASF, Bayer, Bilfinger, Covestro, Dow, Evonik, ExxonMobil, and Lanxess.
As mentioned above, one of the key questions for end users is what equipment and components for APL-technology will be available and when. This is a significant factor in deciding whether or not to even discuss Ethernet-APL-technology for a project or not.

APL Market Survey Update

In the past, there has been a lack of transparency about vendors APL roadmaps. Hence, a decision was made to collect and structure this information in a systematic and concise way, and to make it available to the community as a whole through a neutral party. Therefore, atp magazin, NAMUR, and ZVEI (the German Electro and Digital Industry Association) joined forces to conduct a market survey on Ethernet-APL. These initial results of the market survey were published in the issue 09/2023 of the atp magazin and covered the following areas:

  • Ethernet-APL field devices,
  • Ethernet-APL infrastructure components (field switches),
  • Ethernet-APL features of distributed control systems (DCS), and
  • Ethernet-APL-related features for Asset Management Systems (AMS).


In the context of the ACHEMA trade fair and the fact that Ethernet-APL will be a prominent topic at many of the manufacturers’ stands, the three partners decided to update the original survey. The update should not only include the latest developments and an update of the original roadmaps, but also shed light on further technical features that users can expect in the future. These include, for example, the application of Ethernet-APL within the safety domain using the PROFIsafe protocol. Furthermore, the survey form was not only sent to the companies that had already been invited to the  first round, but several additional providers were also contacted.

The results of the market survey can now be downloaded for free:

Download of the survey results

As a bonus you can read the introductory article of the survey of Thomas Tauchnitz free of charge as well:

Download now!

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