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Tailored digitization with real-time locating systems

Ultra-wideband RTLS for production and logistics

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Publikationsform: Fachartikel
Artikelnummer: 03654_2021_03_04
Zeitschrift: Tailored digitization with real-time locating systems
Autor: Andreas Löcklin, Nasser Jazdi, Michael Weyrich, Kai Przybysz-Herz, Robert Libert, Tamás Ruppert, László Jakab,
Verlag: Vulkan-Verlag GmbH
Seiten: 9
Publikationsformat: PDF
Themenbereich: Automatisierungstechnik


We are seeing a boom in the use of real-time position data to automate and optimize tasks in the field of production and logistics. Here we consider the reasons for this, show what has already proven to be industrially viable and give an overview of six current research efforts. We show which use cases have been automated by RTLS and where RTLS could play a role to further optimize production processes or material flows in the future.

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