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5G and NOA: Enabling access to valuable hidden data

Evaluation of mobile communication technologies for use in process automation


Publikationsform: Fachartikel
Artikelnummer: 03654_2021_09_03
Zeitschrift: 5G and NOA: Enabling access to valuable hidden data
Erscheinungsdatum: 13.09.2021
Autor: Nicola Kleppmann, Johannes Dommel, Dennis Wieruch, Stefan Erben,
Verlag: Vulkan-Verlag GmbH
Seiten: 9
Publikationsformat: PDF
Sprache: Deutsch
Themenbereich: Automatisierungstechnik


The NAMUR Open Architecture (NOA) represents a concept for simple and secure digitization as well as communication with the classical automation pyramid to enable Industry 4.0 for process automation. In this concept, devices that previously had only one communication path within the operative technology (OT) world receive a controlled second communication path into the IT world, where NOA enables monitoring and optimization applications. The challenge lies in retrofitting communication in brownfield plants, where a large fraction of field devices and many control devices currently only have analog and/or (proprietary) OT communication. In this paper, we introduce 5G with the standards contained therein and show that these technologies are very promising to retrofit communication from the OT to the IT-world of NOA. This allows to retrofit NOA, but also forms the basis for future Industry 4.0 scenarios, in which the automation pyramid can be dropped.

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